Thursday, January 16, 2020

Brainstorming Pitch Ideas

Today in AICE Media Studies, my group mate Hannah and I was brainstorming pitch ideas, which were listed in the previous blog. Today, we narrowed it down to 2 pitches: Pitch 1 and Pitch 2.

Pitch 1:
Pitch 1 is a comedy spy movie where two teenage spies are on a mission to track down a briefcase. During the process, their friend gets kidnapped.

For this pitch, we were thinking to go in the direction where the spies would have a big blown out which would result in a terrible event. This allows the antagonist to kidnaps one of the spies and the other spy has to save her friend while protecting the special item. We pictured the ending would have the two spies reconciled and the antagonist- the  coordinator of the spy organization- will go to jail/ dies. This is the story-line we were thinking of.

For the opening sequence, our plan is to film two spies preparing to go on their mission. For about twenty to thirty seconds, there will be a montage of the spies gearing up and the control person giving instructions. During this montage, one of the spies will keep messing up. For instance, one of the spies will dress in white and the other spy would look at them weirdly. The spy will realized her mistakes and quickly rushed to get ready in ten seconds. The instructor will comment and ask their status report. In that scene, it is revealed they are ten minutes late. Then, it will show the girls following and carefully watching the target. The last scene would probably have the instructor staged a her own  kidnapping and the spies are  wondering where she is.

This is a good place to end the two minutes because it leaves the story on a cliffhanger.

Cons for Pitch 1: 
This could be a bad pitch because we would need to ask city leaders to use public property as our locations/ settings. This is difficult because the city has other priorities to attend to and theoretically their response would take forever. Also, the pitch seems unoriginal because no one  would want to watch spies gear up for two minutes. Furthermore, we would need to film everything within a limited time period because the lighting depends on the weather.

Pros for Pitch 1: 
One of the main pro is it allows us to demonstrate our filming and editing skills because we would probably include  parallel editing, voice-overs, a montage, and probably split screen. Another pro is we can secure the actors and the costumes would not be expensive.

Pitch 2: 
Pitch 2 is a romantic drama  of two girls who fall in love over their love for food and baking.

If we were going to make a full movie, we are going to do the following:

In the beginning, our protagonists will consist of two LGBTQ+ girls. One of the girls will be baking Valentine Day's theme baked goods for her girlfriend. But suddenly, a dramatic event will leave the couple torn apart- either through a vehicle accident or moving to a different state. In the middle, the two girls will struggle to keep their long distance relationship. For instance, there might be an event where one girl is not trusting her partner. In the end, the two girls mutually agree to end the relationship but, they will remain friends because the situation of the relationship has become unhealthy( unintentionally). The antagonist will be distance.

If we do Pitch 2, the opening sequence will begin with a montage of one of the girls baking. This might include variety of different shot and angles. The different ingredients and tools will allow us to creatively insert the titles. Suddenly, the girl gets a call. On the screen, it might jump cut to a suitcase and the sound of an airport runway. The scene will end with the girl dropping a tray of chocolate chips as a result to the devastating news.

Cons for Pitch 2: 
The opening scene is bad because no one would want to see someone baking for two minutes. The props will be expensive because we have to buy ingredients and tools to make it look authentic.  We would spent a significant amount of time to bake, clean up, and film at the same time.

Pros for Pitch 2 : 
Both Hannah and I know how to bake so, the baking process will be efficient. Another pro is we do not have to secure a location because majority of the opening will be filmed at one of our home.  Also, securing actors is not a problem and the costumes are not expensive because they will be wearing normal day to day clothes.

The pitch we are decided to follow  is pitch 1. We decided to do pitch 1 because it will allow us to advance our production and post-production skills and we want to do a storyline of spies. Also, it allows us to utilized our creativity.

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