Today in AICE Media Studies I was assigned to blog about the first part of my filming. As you already know- from my schedule- my groupmate and I will be filming on November 27, 2019. There were a few reasons why my groupmate and I decided to not to film today or over last weekend.
The primary reason we couldn't film was because of our actresses. The main actress did not notify her last minute weekend plans until Wednesday of last week. The alternative to this dilemma was to use me as the main actress. However, Hannah and I decided not to use me as an actress because my role/ objective will be co-directing this music video and working behind the scenes. Also, our main actress is a better actor of acting hopeful, loving and optimistic emotions, which are emotions I am not comfortable and naturally can act. Plus, it gave Hannah and I time to gather the props and costumes for our music video. The second reason Hannah and I decided to film during the Thanksgiving Break was of time management. Even though Hannah and I had excellent time management skills, we felt the Thanksgiving Break will allow us to spent more time on filming the music video. This will help us create an authentic and high-quality music video of a LGBT+ relationship because we are not rushing the process. The final reason we decided not to begin filming was because of our mental health. During the next two days, Hannah and I will be more stress because we have two tests in the upcoming periods and a chemistry exam. To reduce stress, we decide g to film during the break.
On Saturday, Hannah came over to my house to research and compile our detailed prop list. On the planning blog, the props were general ideas. Now Hannah and I have a more detailed list on the props we will be using in the music video. For instance, the pinic food for the pinic scenes. I came up with an idea to include a cheese board because I though the idea will enhance the relationship of the two actresses. Since most picnics do not have a cheese board, I thought it would allow us demonstrate the uniqueness of an LBGT relationship. So we decided to include a cheese board for this music video. On this cheese board, there will be an assortment of cheeses and cured meats along with assortment of fruits: grapes, apples, and bananas. We also compiled the general props of a pinic: a red and white checkered board tablecloth and a brown basket. This will help us create an authentic pinic scene. The props of a guitar, napkins, plates and silverware are things I am going to bring. While the pinic props were simple props, the costumes were the most difficult thing we had to find. Together, Hannah and I went to nearby mall to shop for the flower crown and the actresses' costumes. The most difficult costume we had to compile was the main actress's. Since the fashion season is in transition from fall to winter, it was difficult to find floral white dress. We looked through multiple department stores and found one backup dress. Although the dress was white and had flowers, we felt the costume didn't create meaning. Eventually, we found the costume after Hannah thought of a dress I had previously borrowed earlier in this past year. This dress had three-quarter sleeves with bright, deep roses along the sleeves and the silhouette. It is a short dress but, it capture the "soft girl" look we wanted to project. So, I called our friend and was able to reserved the dress for filming. Hannah and I also had to reserve the yellow cardigan from our other friend since, the sweaters at the store were the wrong color. The other pieces of the costumes were easier to compile because they were universal items most people own.
Although we did not film, I feel more comfortable to film because everything was well thought out and was not last minute. During our filming process, we will film the scenes most than once to shoot a perfect shot. I am so excited to begin filming!
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